Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Part 652 or so of "The hell nobody wants to take your guns"

Part 652 or so of "The hell nobody wants to take your guns":
Deputy Attorney General Thiruvendran Vignarajah of the People's Republic of Maryland:
...Over drinks, the woman asks him "off the record" about guns.

"My complete answer, off the record, is we should ban guns altogether, period," he said. "If you want gun practice with a gun, you can go to the gun range and then you leave it there and you go home."

He said, in his opinion, personal ownership of firearms should be limited to law enforcement and to individuals who pass licensing tests, pay a tax, have insurance and, as technology allows, have fingerprint trigger locks.
Isn't that nice of him?  "Jump through all my hoops and I may allow you to have a firearm locked-up at a range, peasant."

1 comment:

  1. I'll bet King George said the same thing in the late 1770's


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