Friday, November 13, 2015

Demonstrating why I call it Californicated,

also why people don't trust LAPD: it's not just the shooting at innocents, it's the theft.
Instagram sensation Dan Bilzerian received some bad news when he returned to his West Hollywood mansion after a September break-in — several of his guns were gone.

But it wasn’t burglars who had taken the firearms, it was the Los Angeles Police Department.

For two months after the break-in, Mr. Bilzerian, a professional poker player and gun rights champion, says police inexplicably continued to keep the nine firearms under lock and key without a warrant. When the eight pistols and one rifle were returned to their owner about a week ago, all the ammunition for the firearms was missing, raising questions about the LAPD’s protocol for seizing firearms.
"We must keep these from being stolen(by anybody but us)!"  Except
The responding officers confiscated nine firearms supposedly under the premise that they wanted to secure the home in case the burglars attempted a second break-in, Mr. Bilzerian said. But strangely, the officers left behind an arsenal of shotguns and a high-powered semiautomatic carbine rifle like the ones used by special operations troops.

“The officers told my assistant that they took the handguns because they didn’t want the suspects to come back and get them on a second break-in even though they were unsuccessful at opening the steel reinforced door the first time,” Mr. Bilzerian said. “Essentially they were ‘trying to protect my property and people’s safety.’ This is hard to grasp, when they left my $21,000 FN SCAR17 with thermal optic and shotguns unsecured in that same room.”
And note that the safe did the job and was still closed, UNTIL the LAPD broke it open.  And now
“All of my ammunition and the magazines were gone. And they couldn’t explain what happened to the magazines, but that ammo couldn’t be released with a firearm and that I’d have to schedule a separate three-hour visit for the ammo,” Mr. Bilzerian told The Washington Times. “If they are gonna take the guns and make me wait for three hours at the police station, they should at the very least return what came with them.”
What are the bets the ammo and mags wind up being listed as 'destroyed' because they don't want to have to account for where they went?

And they'll bitch about "Why don't people trust us and want to work with us?"

1 comment:

  1. A friends' home was broken into and several guns were taken. Among them were an AR-15 and an AK-47 collectors editions in wooden cases. Both were locked, and both still had the trigger ties (from the factory) in place. The Dallas police notified my friend that they would be test fired in case they'd been used in another criminal act. My friend protested since that would ruin the collector value. The answer was that the guns would, indeed, be fired. When he offered to unlock the cases, he was told that the locks would be broken. No excuse was given, only that he wouldn't be allowed to unlock them. The were eventually returned, well fired, quite dirty, and with locks not only broken, but with the hasps ripped out. It appeared that a large screwdriver had been used to pry them open instead of cutting or breaking the small locks.


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