Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Because male domestic abuse victims

don't fit the Preferred Narrative.  So they're always guilty, even when the female involved beat the crap out of them.  And if the man tries to get the kids out, shelters will turn them away.  Because "You're a man."

Much like someone found real hostility to reporting on domestic violence among lesbian couples; they're both women, so that nasty 'male' behavior isn't supposed to happen, and when it does it shouldn't be talked about.

More from the CDC, which doesn't exactly count as a right-wingnut source.
SUMMARY: According to a 2010 national survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Department of Justice, in the last 12 months more men than women were victims of intimate partner physical violence and over 40% of severe physical violence was directed at men. Men were also more often the victim of psychological aggression and control over sexual or reproductive health. Despite this, few services are available to male victims of intimate partner violence.

"Your movie won't have the proper viewpoint(ours), so no funding for you!"

I need to find a tomb like this.  Of course, for that one I'd have to go to Greece, and then try to figure how to smuggle it out, but there may be ways...

Well, if your co-vegans start crapping on a restaurant and giving it bad reviews when they've never been there and just don't like "Let us know you're coming, and we can make something for you", then screw 'em if they can't take a joke.  Or being told to piss off.

Getting all the crap done I don't want to have to worry about after the surgery is a bit of a pain.  Partly because this keeps waking me up at night("Hey, I don't like this position anymore, do something" repeated during the night), so a bit short on sleep.  Be worth it if this does nothing more than allow a full-nights sleep again.


  1. I'm going to complain the next time I go to a vegan restaurant and they won't serve me a steak.

  2. Yeah, domestic violence. Don't get me started, but a lot of it is a sub-chapter on the Democrat War On Men. If the victim doesn't fit the narrative, he's screwed.

    It's like if you want a dog and go to a shelter, you've rescued a dog and are a hero, but if you're looking for a girlfriend and go to a shelter, everyone looks at you like you're a lizard. I don't understand it.

  3. They just don't understand, do they?

    And I'm stealing that

  4. markm8:10 PM

    Pawpaw: Maybe if you put on a dress and claimed to be a transgender lesbian...

    Seriously, I've suspected that men and women initiate domestic violence about equally for many years. However, remember one thing: nature has built men better for combat by at least two standard deviations. In mutual combat, usually the woman will be hurt worse even if she's using a frying pan or a knife against his bare hands. That's a very good reason for the "never hit a girl" conditioning that decent parents give their sons - but it can leave a guy unable to defend himself when a woman attacks.

    OTOH, when it comes to psychological abuse, it's the women who are better-armed by nature...


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