Thursday, September 24, 2015

Well, from what son told me, training and readiness are in the toilet

and that doesn't exactly raise morale and confidence levels; so this isn't a surprise:
Released last December, the numbers were brutal. In response to the statement, “The senior military leadership has my best interests at heart,” only 27% agreed, down from 53% in a previous survey conducted in 2009. As for, “Overall officers in the military are good or excellent,” only 49% agreed, down from 78% in the 2009 survey. Agreement with, “Overall my quality of life is good or excellent,” dropped from 91% agreement in 2009 to 56% in 2014, and President Obama’s personal approval rating was an eye-catching 15%.
Hey, when you know the CinC is a clown who doesn't give a damn about you, and- in the event of conflict- doesn't actually want to win, what do they expect?
Carter is no doubt happy about the appointment because Fanning is, as the Washington Post puts it, a “Carter ally.” The White House is pleased because the appointment of a gay man represents an important advance in the progress of social justice. And the troops?
Well, really, who cares what they think?

"I have this condition, but racism is making it worse, so you white people need to pay for my therapy!"


  1. This extended war, like all other extended wars, strains the military and wreaks havoc on the NCO corps. A patriot who signed up in 2001 now has 14 years of service and has been deployed three or four times.Career NCOs are exhausted, mentally and physically.

    I recall President Carter's army in the late '70s. I was there. The professional NCO Corps was decimated after Vietnam, the left-leaning Carter had barely concealed contempt for the military (and himself an Annapolis grad). The varios domestic crises puleed money and resorces from the military. Morale was horrible and readiness was worse.

    I can imagine in today's Army, with a CinC that has never served and doesn't bother to conceal his contempt for the military that the morale is any better than it was in the late '70s. The problem today is that the trheat is still active, and growing stronger.

  2. Carters' term... lived in Lawton at the time, and knew two sergeants at Fort Sill. From what they said, it was pretty awful. And we seem to be going to/already at the same place.

    Which means when they get sent somewhere, they won't be trained as they should, and people are going to die because of it.
