Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Since the only proper victims are colored people* or women,

there's been a movement for some years now to claim the Irish didn't actually face the discrimination that'd been spoken of for so long.  And a professor insisted it was all imaginary, and- he being a Professor- all the little right-thinking academics ran right along with it.

And now a kid has done what some of them should have done: actually looked at the evidence.
“Irish Catholics in America have a vibrant memory of humiliating job discrimination, which featured omnipresent signs proclaiming ‘Help Wanted—No Irish Need Apply!’ No one has ever seen one of these NINA signs because they were extremely rare or nonexistent.”
Here, of course, is the problem: After only couple of hours Googling it, Rebecca, a 14-year-old, had found out these signs had, in fact, existed all along. Not only in newspaper listings—in which they appeared in droves—but, after further research, in shop windows, too.

The Irish were persecuted in the American job market—and precisely in the overt, literally written-down way that was always believed.

All of this would have been written off as a myth if it weren’t for Rebecca Fried, a rising high school freshman—who one of the preeminent scholars on the Irish diaspora in the United States now calls a “hero” and “quite extraordinary”—and who simply couldn’t believe it, either.
The asshat pushing the 'It didn't happen!' line is University of Illinois-Chicago history professor Richard J. Jensen.  Who responded thus to the young ladys' piece:
“I’m the PhD who wrote the original article. I’m delighted a high school student worked so hard and wrote so well,” he writes. “No, she did not claim to find a single window sign anywhere in the USA.”

But Rebecca’s article does include that information. She made it clear in a reply.
 “I do have to say that the article does in fact list a number of posted physical NINA signs, not just newspaper ads. Pages 6-7 catalogue a number of the signs,” she wrote.

Jensen retorted with a numerical list of all of the “No Irish Need Apply” signs he encountered in her essay—ending with, “That’s very rare. In Chicago, only 3 ads in over 50 years. How rare can you get?”
Let's see... lie about what she wrote, then move the goalposts... is it too terrible of me to think that this clown is representative of what is wrong in academia nowadays?

The lady feared her responses didn't show sufficient respect to this clown; she needs to get over worrying about that when dealing with liars and poltroons such as he.

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