Monday, August 10, 2015

Riviera Beach PD Sergeant Gary Wilson: look in a mirror

if you want to know why so many people don't trust or like cops anymore.
The Florida cop put on his doctor’s hat and declared that, “You’re walking, you’re not handicapped, someone else should use this space.”

When Isiah had already identified himself, the offer got upset at his tone of voice and took a swipe at his four month old iPhone 6+ which he used to record the incident, cracking the screen of the device.

“He had every right to check the plackard, it was displayed according to Florida law” said James, but about the assault he commented, “if I’d done the same to him, I’d have at least taken a taser in the ass.”

It cracked the screen, but that wasn’t enough for Officer Wilson, who extended the stop more than ten minutes further.
To Annoy and Screw With You As Much As Possible; Because We Can.

And either some others really messed-up, or they were stupid enough to want to make this worse:
When we spoke to Isiah James, he was in the lobby of the Riviera Beach Police Department waiting for over 30 minutes to speak with a supervisor and have his complaint taken. They told him that someone had tried to retrieve him from the lobby and he was gone, while we were speaking, and until we sent this tweet, officers refused to see him.
Dumb.  SERIOUS dumb.


  1. I wrote the police chief, mayor, wounded warrior project, VA secretary, Secretary of Army, Navy, etc... Filled out an ADA complaint. I was so pissed after watching this. In Oregon cops are showing the same kind of disrespect for veterans. We have a law that allows counties to have veterans courts, but most, especially, conservative ones, dont. There's our conservative support. Hmmmm Vets are filling up jails here or committing suicide. Frick in bullshit

  2. I wrote the police chief, mayor, wounded warrior project, VA secretary, Secretary of Army, Navy, etc... Filled out an ADA complaint. I was so pissed after watching this. In Oregon cops are showing the same kind of disrespect for veterans. We have a law that allows counties to have veterans courts, but most, especially, conservative ones, dont. There's our conservative support. Hmmmm Vets are filling up jails here or committing suicide. Frick in bullshit


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