Tuesday, August 04, 2015

A good piece from Erin on the statements of a gun bigot

I'd recommend just go read it.  Now, or soon as you can.  I'm going to borrow part of it:
1)  "To me, ownership of a handgun tells me that you've more or less given up on civilization."

There are two ways to parse this, and both of them have troubling implications. The first is the assertion that anyone who owns a handgun is, effectively, a savage. After all, isn't that "giving up on civilization" means -- saying "screw it" and either figuratively or literally embracing the ways of wild barbarism in order to eschew civilization? If you give up on civilization, aren't you ipso facto uncivilized? I find it troubling that, the author is effectively dehumanizing those who disagree with him by calling them unworthy of being able to exist within civilization.

The second possible interpretation, albeit unspoken, is that anyone who chooses to own a handgun as opposed to owning one as part of their job, i.e. the military and the police, has given up on civilization. This is actually far more troubling to me than the former, as it ties into the second objectionable statement below.

2) "I do not own a gun for the same reason I do not filter my own drinking water or generate my own electricity - I live in a city, where, for a reasonable price, security, like water or electricity, is provided by trained professionals."

With this statement, the author is essentially saying "I don't need to protect myself, there are people who will do that for me." And, referring back to statement one above, these trained professionals are either savages (because they carry handguns) or -- and this is actually the worse interpretation -- he supports the creation of police as "a separate moral species, specially bred for violence, to be called from their fortified compound to vacuum up problems and guilt."
She continues, quite well.  I'll simply add my thought on #2:
I'm curious as to what this dumbass proposes to do in the time it takes the cops to get there.  Assuming he's able to call before the situation goes to hell.

Erin notes something I have before as well: people who preen at being virtuous and pacifist and all, but will damn well call the cops- to come with guns and nightsticks and so forth- to save them from the predators.  They have no problem paying someone else to do violence for them, but they damn sure don't want their precious hands directly dirty.

Anyway, go read it all.  It's worth it.


  1. This is just another of those urban elitists that pride themselves on the fact that they are so "civilized" that not only do they have no need to do things for themselves, but they are flat incapable of it, and anyone who is MUST be a barbarian.

  2. It seems to me that there is very little difference from "civilized environment" and a "prison" by this liberal.

  3. Regarding #2: This is why we have mandated warnings that hot coffee can burn and tying a plastic bag around your head is dangerous. These are the people that repeatedly prove that Darwin was a genius.

  4. Regarding #2: This is why we have mandated warnings that hot coffee can burn and tying a plastic bag around your head is dangerous. These are the people that repeatedly prove that Darwin was a genius.

  5. Regarding #2: This is why we have mandated warnings that hot coffee can burn and tying a plastic bag around your head is dangerous. These are the people that repeatedly prove that Darwin was a genius.

  6. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Sounds just like a very educated complete IDIOT. World is full of them. over educated numskulls who think they are the most intelligent people on earth. If we do not agree then we are "savages". K.M.R.A.

  7. The real cognitive disconnect is walking up to the door of some venue and seeing a "no guns allowed" sign, next to a "premises protected by Acme Armed Security" logo.

  8. Anonymous4:08 AM

    "like water or electricity, is provided by trained professionals."

    Yet, those same professionals are the ones that for decades used lead based piping and shoddy electrical wiring which have led to hundreds of house fires.

  9. Gosh, I filter my own water (from my own well), generate my own electricity with no attachment to the grid and gave up on "civilization" a long time ago…hmmmmmmm

    Michael B

  10. Civilization isn't "services the government sells you." Civilization isn't even dependent on government.

    In 1980 seven tornados tore up Grand Island, Nebraska. We were without water and power for ten days, and sewer service for two weeks. Police were unavailable in our neighborhood, overwhelmed helping folks who needed it a lot more than we did. It was nearly three days before the National Guard arrived.

    "Civilization" was people right after the storm checking on neighbors, folks gathering to cut and haul tree limbs and other debris from the roads, people who lent mechanical can openers to those who only had electric, and the neighbor who went and filled his pickup camper water tank so we could hose down kids.

    Even for government, "civilization" was volunteer law enforcement, fire service, utility workers, and such who flooded in from surrounding towns to take up some of the slack.

    Civilization isn't something you depend on or give up on, it's something you participate in.

  11. LarryArnold:

    I hope you don't mind, but I just copied your entire comment into my text file of significant quotes.

    Especially profound was the last sentence, but the entire comment is memorable.

    Thanks for that.


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