Thursday, July 30, 2015

"Yes, but they were communist murderers and torturers and racists,

as well as minority-group members, so it's all good" seems to be the PBS approach.
In front of a sold-out crowd of geriatric radicals and their dippy young acolytes, Nelson matter-of-factly acknowledged that Vanguard of the Revolution is a  “pro-Panther” film and expressed surprise that at previous screenings “no one stood up and said, ‘How could you say these good things about the Panthers,’ which we thought would happen.’” 

Someone should. Because almost anything that reflects poorly on the Panthers is ignored or dismissed and no critics of the party are included. The story is told entirely through the testimony of former Panthers and sympathetic historians, with the occasional appearance of a porcine ex-cop, at whom the audience is supposed to hiss.

So if the Japanese make the laser, who builds the battle station?

Gee, you'd almost think the lion story was a handy distraction or something...

Of course he wouldn't.  But he has no problem thinking that if you have a Gadsden flag you're a domestic terrorist.
Johnson responded, “I believe strongly – and I hear this over and over again from Muslim leaders in this country – that to refer to ISIL as ‘Islamic extremism’ concedes too much. It dignifies them as occupying some part of the Islamic faith, which is about peace.” Really, he pulled out that old line.

He further stated, “And so if you call it ‘Islamic anything,’ uh, we are dignifying this terrorist organization with occupying a part of the Islamic faith which Muslims in this country I know, push back very strongly on,” Johnson said. “So If I went into these [Muslim] communities calling it ‘Islamic extremism,’ I’d get nowhere.”

Michael Schrader is a journalis- excuse me, 'community columnist'. Who commits PSH in public, and is apparently proud of it.  And they wonder why we think they're nuts.

Apparently Taurus REALLY screwed up on design and QC.  Did they actually think there wouldn't be repercussions?


  1. we are dignifying this terrorist organization with occupying a part of the Islamic faith which Muslims in this country I know, push back very strongly on

    Yeah, the number of Mooslims and the din they create screaming against radical islamic terror is REALLY hard to get away from.
    Unless of course, it's drowned out by crickets...

  2. Thanks for the heads up on the Taurus lawsuit.

    I can forward that to the guy I sold my PT-145 to. :P

  3. Toastrider3:24 PM

    I remember reading somewhere that because of Taurus's origins (South America), they have a difficult time conceptualizing the idea of 'your stuff sucks, so I ain't gonna buy it'. They're so used to 'my way or the highway' that their quality control has suffered badly.

  4. I think that was Miguel over at Gun Free Zone.


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