Thursday, July 02, 2015

How truly joyous...

According to the ADL poll, 90 percent of Greeks agreed with the statement that “Jews have too much power in the business world” and 85 percent agreed “Jews have too much power in international finance markets.”

In addition, 70 percent said that “Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust” and 51 percent said “Jews don’t care about what happens to anyone but their own kind.”
Etc.  At least they're not calling for yellow stars or something.  As yet.

Trust the NYeffingTimes on, well, anything?  Especially 'right-wing terrorist threats'?
The most obvious thing to note is the choice of start date: Sept. 12, 2001. That neatly excludes an attack that would dwarf all those homegrown terror attacks by several orders of magnitude. Ah, you will say, but that was a one-time event. Sort of. It is no longer possible to destroy the World Trade Center, but we can't be certain to never again have a large-scale terror attack that kills many people. If you have high-magnitude but low-frequency events, then during most intervals you choose to study, other threats will seem larger -- but if you zoom out, the big, rare events will still kill more people....

And on their number padding(picking one):
Then there was Joshua Cartwright of Ft. Walton Beach, Florida, who shot two deputies when his wife called the cops to stop him from hitting her. This was elevated to a "deadly right-wing attack" because, according to New America, "Cartwright had a history of non-compliance with the police and Cartwright’s wife told police that he held anti-government views and was 'severely disturbed' by President Obama’s election." All this may be true. But it's dangerous to profile so that every person with vaguely stated right-wing views, or even not-so-right-wing views, becomes an avatar of that group, rather than an individual who happens to be a member of that group, and also happens to have done something bad.

Speaking of 'Trust them?  You're kidding, right?"
Two Treasury Department inspectors general revealed last week someone erased computer evidence during the investigation into the IRS targeting scandal—months after the agency was ordered to preserve the documents.
Arrest warrents and prosecutions.  They're not going to start obeying the law until that happens.

That was interesting: the fly that's been annoying me since yesterday just committed suicide.  Flushed the toilet and it flew into the bathroom, into the toilet, hit the water and went down with the shit.

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