Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Under the heading of 'Friggin' idiots with badges'

we have the Cleveland PD:
Cleveland police will stop hitting people on the head with their guns and document any time they unholster them, according to a consent decree between the U.S. Justice Department and Cleveland police released today.

The Justice Department found in a 21-month investigation that began in 2013 that Cleveland police routinely bash people on the head with their guns, sometimes accidentally firing them, according to a 58-page report released in December.
Just how many levels of fail can you count in this?


  1. Anonymous7:24 PM

    But ... but .. how will they be able to keep order among the citizens now???

  2. skidmark4:30 AM

    Silly rabbit! They can go back to the good old days when hickory shampoos were given on days ending in "y".

    stay safe.
