Thursday, May 28, 2015

These (supposedly)well-meaning racists have done more damage to blacks in this country

than the friggin' Klan could ever have hoped to do.
Aaron Benner, a fourth grade teacher in the district, told EAGnews about how black students “are frequently not held accountable for their actions” due to “white privilege” training for teachers and administrators.

“As a black man I can say that they are hurting black kids,” Benner said. “I’ve never seen anything as idiotic as PEG. Everything we do, PEG is at the forefront.

“It’s so comical. PEG says shouting out in class is a black cultural norm, and being on time is a white cultural thing. It’s so demeaning, so condescending to black kids. If a white person were making claims like this, black people would be in an uproar.
Yes, they would.  But this bullshit is coming from the PC racists of the left, so it's all good to say black kids can't be on time, and can't have the discipline to not yell in class, and all the other bullshit.

And, of course, all the whites are racist and suffering from 'privilege'.
According to the source, the photo is from a training this year at Bruce Vento Elementary during a staff meeting.
It features a figure wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood with the question, “When do you wear the hood?”
The principal allegedly displayed the picture and “asked the staff to sit in silence and reflect on it for 3 to 4 minutes.”
The source refused to elaborate out of fear of retribution.

And this bullshit ain't cheap:
Last May, the Pioneer Press reported the St. Paul district had spent at least $1.2 million on such training from Pacific Educational Group, a San Francisco-based company that conducts similar trainings in school districts across America.

Last fall, the Star Tribune reported St. Paul schools inked a $246,500 contract with PEG for “equity” training – “$133,500 less than the agreement approved for 2013-14.”

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