Sunday, May 31, 2015

History. It messy.

The history tells how some of the Delaware’s ancestors migrated west to America across a frozen sea and intermarried with the Delaware and other Algonquin Indians. Myron Paine, 72, and Frode Th. Omdahl, 51, met on the Internet six years ago when they were each looking for a rare book, “The Viking and the Red Man,” written by the late Reider T. Sherwin. Together they found copies of all eight volumes with the same name, published mostly in the 1940s.

Using Sherwin as a reference, they found that much of the Algonquin language consists of Old Norse, including Old Norse root words often strung together to make new words that were adopted by Algonquin speakers.
Alternate history story idea: those Norse were told of the place up north with the funny rocks that look kind of like their iron, and they go looking for it...

My, wouldn't that have complicated things?

1 comment:

  1. I forget which Allan Eckert novel it was in, but there is a scene where a Shawnee is telling how the Shawnee came from the North West through a valley with snow and ice on both sides, until they came to a place where a stranger spoke their language. According to Eckert his novels are dramatized history, with the people, actions and dialogue based closely on diaries and contemporary accounts.
    The Mikmak, too are supposed to have ancestors different from the other Indians, and the Hopi or Zuni Indians supposedly strongly resemble southeast Asians. Then there's Kennewick Man.
