Friday, February 06, 2015

"Check your female privilege, bitches!"

Or something like that.
No, male teachers who committed such crimes would not get the same treatment.

Makes sense:
As many have noted, Islam is a shame culture (the kind of society that will go berserk over cartoons) and, like it or not, our president is part of it culturally.  That does not mean he is stoning adulterers or cutting off the hands of thieves or treating women like chattel, but it does mean he is genuinely and quite deeply ashamed of the religion he, in part, came from.  He cannot adjust to or accept the calamities it is causing.  Unlike the president of Egypt,  he cannot name it.

This also explains Obama’s determination to whitewash the behavior of Iran and make a deal with the Islamic Republic that will jeopardize the entire world.  It also helps make more clear his ambivalent (at best) relationship to the state of Israel and its leaders.

The leftist on freedom of speech: "You can speak if we think what you say is worth hearing, or has any value.  If it doesn't we should be free to shut you up.  Including by violence."

Note that this idiot calls Cass Sunstein a libertarian.

Warrant service.  This.  THIS is how it's supposed to/should be done.
"They got the wrong address" is not an acceptable excuse. In such an instance, you, the investigator obtaining the warrant, have personally failed.
Screaming "Get On The Ground" and pointing weapons at people who happen to be there is not courteous. Don't point weapons at people just because you're serving a warrant and they're present. You need to be able to articulate why they were a threat before you point a weapon at someone.  I'm serious about this.
The way cops are supposed to be, and do the job.

"Your woodburning stove is not up to specs, citizen!  I don't care that it's freezing outside, take it out!"


  1. "Your woodburning stove is not up to specs, citizen! I don't care that it's freezing outside, take it out!"

    No problem! There are laws to cover that, evict the citizen because without heat the house has a code violation and is not habitable.
    If I had an "angry" Emoitcon I'd use it.

  2. You actually don't have to take the stoves out, you just can't buy non catalytic stoves to replace the one you have when it wears out.

    But anyone with a welder can make one....or fix one that is worn.

    Still wrong, though.
