Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The socialist is very butthurt that so many people- mostly Americans, apparently-

told her to kiss our ass.  In no uncertain terms.

So, of course, she has a followup on just how we suck.  And will eventually be forced to- well, I'll let her words tell it, and why I say these people are one of the reasons for the 2nd Amendment:
...But the people responding to my column with anger do not seem to understand what freedom of speech is. They seem to make no distinction between free speech and hate speech, and they seem to believe that freedom of speech includes the freedom to say anything.
... Human rights activists – including the United Nations and human rights groups all over the world – not only believe that hate speech should be outlawed, but that so should cultural appropriation and other forms of speech which violate basic human rights (in the case of cultural appropriation, the right of cultures to retain ownership of their culture and to ensure that their culture is not misused).
So, if some mid-eastern(current or descent) type gets all butthurt that white women are bellydancing(yes, they're out there), said women are guilty of 'hate speech'.  Wonderful, isn't it?

Lot of this is the same "This is how you will be allowed to think and speak, and you will call it 'free'" crap from her first piece.  PC-at-any-cost idiocy.  And then you get to the "How shall we do this?" which is why I mentioned the 2nd Amendment:
All of the policies that I proposed in my article are already policies in the rest of the world, particularly in liberal democracies. For example, the policy regarding setting up state surveillance and re-education centers has indeed been proposed by human rights activists in Europe and can be read here (PDF). The fact that these proposals are considered to be so extreme and so outrageous to an American audience is a perfect indication of how America is a country without any kind of human rights-based culture whatsoever.
My, how very Soviet of them.  And if you have a problem with your speech being monitored for non-PC content, or continue to insist that it's not hate speech just because someone is upset, I'm sure that will be proof of your mental illness, which they will proceed to treat.  By force.

See what I mean?  If this isn't one of the things to be defended against, what is?


  1. American culture is classically liberal. Free speech, in its true literal meaning, is part of that culture. I see a fascist appropriating one of my classically liberal cultural traditions to advocate for fascism. Doesn't that make her entire argument hate speech, by her own definition?

  2. Human rights activists – including the United Nations and human rights groups all over the world – not only believe that hate speech should be outlawed, but that so should cultural appropriation and other forms of speech which violate basic human rights

    The baffling part here is that she goes from "activists think" to "it is right that it happen".

    Not a chance, lady.

  3. Jamie NZ3:43 AM

    Add her to the list

    Y'all already know where to find me

    Punk Bitch

  4. tkdkerry9:37 AM

    It's worrisome that so many people like Cohen actually believe that sort of drivel. Almost as bad though, to me, is that there seems to be so many people who refuse to accept that her opinions are genuine. They insist it is satire, and will go to the ( figurative ) chopping block fully expecting to hear "April Fool!" at any moment.
