Monday, January 19, 2015

Never believe ANYTHING from the CSGV & Co.

Unless they say they're lying; THEN you can believe them.
OSBI says they have gone through phones at the home where they thought the bomb threat originated and found the phone calls did not come from that location.OSBI says the man who shot a Sentinel police chief will not be arrested at this time. Agents interviewed the man and believe he was unaware it was officers entering his home.
Not exactly 'Racist gun nut shoots black officer and gets away with it!', is it?

In the ER, expensive tattoos abound.  Piercing is ubiquitous.  Almost every adult and child has a smartphone, it seems.  All too many spend the duration of their ER visit glaring at the screen of said phone; barely looking up at the physician who is attempting to engage them in meaningful conversation about the reason they came for care.

Cigarettes populate purses and drug screens are notoriously positive for at least chronic narcotic pain medications, but often other substances, among them marijuana and amphetamines.

Dental care?  It is regularly ignored because, in the words of my patients, “I don’t have dental insurance.”  Guess what.  Neither do I, and I pay a lot for insurance.  Dental care has typically been a cash business. That’s why dentists, crafty guys and gals that they are, spend their time mucking around the human mouth.  Floss and toothpaste?  Seems a bit excessive compared to a nice new tattoo.

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