Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee needs an intervention

involving tar and feathers.
The solutions included “comprehensive” obesity interventions in “health care, the community, public health facilities, and work sites.”

“The public should monitor body weight and engage with providers in evidence-based approaches aimed at achieving and maintaining healthy body weight,” the panel said in a presentation on “Food and Nutrient Intakes, and Health.”

The committee, which is responsible for creating new nutrition standards that are used to create policy at the federal level, has previously called for moving Americans to “plant-based” diets, and using text message interventions to get people to lose weight.
"We want to run the food tyranny.  For your own good, of course."

And it gets better:
The committee said it is “imperative” to create obesity interventions that would bring in “trained interventionists and professional nutrition service providers” for “delivery in multiple settings.
'We will nag you at work.  We will nag you at home.  We will threaten home life, we will nag you everywhere!'
The panel claimed that 65 percent of adult females and 70 percent of adult males are overweight or obese, and argued that “environmental strategies” are needed to fight obesity.
And there we have it; 'You need to eat the way we say to Save The Planet!'

And they're after your kids:
Dr. Anna Maria Siega-Riz, a nutritional epidemiologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, agreed and called for more monitoring of children’s weight, and for mandatory doctors visits.
“Not just going with schools, but when we think about the health care system, there are very little check ups required for kids,” Siega-Riz said. “We can make a strong call for more monitoring and help for this population before they actually carry out these outcomes for the rest of their lives.”
And if you're not feeding the family the way they say, they'll threaten to take the kids.  You doubt it?  I don't.

Back to Saving The Planet:
The committee has been criticized for putting environmentalism over food science. Angela Tagtow, who was appointed to oversee DGAC this summer, has called for “social justice” in food policy and says she takes an “ecological” approach to nutrition.
Thus the progzis strike again.

Let's see... this is a continuation of the bullshit that pushed people to eat less fat and meat and LOTS more carbohydrates, which is largely behind the obesity problem, and they want more of the same.  They screamed 'fat is BAD!' for decades, when the research AT BEST couldn't prove that, and at worst was bullshit.  And they won't stop, they want the .gov- and themselves- EVEN MORE IN CONTROL of what you eat.

Screw the tar & feathers, let's move straight to floggings followed by ropes and trees.

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