Friday, November 21, 2014

Special rules for special people

Especially special people who work for the government.

One thing in particular in the story strikes me:
“One employee pled guilty to engaging in a criminal conflict of interest for accessing taxpayer information for the purpose of conducting a private tax and accounting business,” TIGTA said.
...criminal conflict of interest...?  I thought it was flat criminal to access taxpayer information for non-IRS purposes, so where's the charges for that?

Oh yeah, I forgot: special people.

Well, isn't that cheerful news at the start of winter?
The head of the National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command admitted Thursday China can shut down the U.S. power grid, Fox News and the Associated Press reported. Admiral Michael Rogers made “the grim forecast” before the House Intelligence Committee, confirming what has been “widely known” but never officially owned up to, the report noted.

“Rogers said he believed China along with ‘one or two’ other countries had the capability to successfully launch a cyber-attack that could shut down the electric grid in parts of the United States,” the report noted. “U.S. adversaries are performing electronic ‘reconnaissance,’ on a regular basis so that they can be in a position to attack the industrial control systems that run everything from chemical facilities to water treatment plants.”
Wonder if this came up while The Lightbringer was kissing the PRC ass a few days ago?

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