Thursday, November 27, 2014

Let them get away with blocking roads and tunnels,

and this is what you get.
Anarchists plotted on Wednesday to disrupt the Thanksgiving Day Parade — feeling emboldened after cops allowed them to run free on major roadways like the FDR Drive and the West Side Highway, The Post has learned.

“The police aren’t going to arrest us and they are not going to shoot us,” an organizer who calls himself “Magiq” boasted to a group of two dozen rabble-rousers at a Union Square planning session Wednesday night.
Why?  Because Comrade Mayor de Blasio thinks blocking major roads and screwing other people lives around = 'free speech'.
But de Blasio is on the record saying free speech trumps keeping thoroughfares moving.

“I think the First Amendment is a little more important than traffic,” he told the New York Observer in September after the People’s Climate March.
Sooner or later this special treatment is going to wind up blocking fire trucks and/or ambulances, and somebody's going to wind up dead because of it.  And they should go after Comrade Mayor for it; if he's too stupid to see the danger of allowing protesters to block roadways, he's too stupid to be in that office.


  1. but this is NYC the rules of sanity, law and people's right to freedom of movement do not apply.

  2. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Their 'right' to free speech and demonstrate ENDS when it interferes with lawful commerce and freedom of movement of other Citizens. Period.
    And yes, de Blasio (and Bratton) are indeed too stupid to understand that and unfit for the offices they hold.
