Wednesday, November 05, 2014

If the information in this is true,

then every sorry excuse for a cop involved should be in prison.  The prosecutor should be disbarred and shunned.  Same for the judge.  This is disgusting on a level hard to describe.


  1. There's nothing unusual about what happened in that case. The only thing unusual was how bold they were in it. It's just a matter of degrees.

  2. And people wonder why someone would ambush a badgemonkey. When you can't get justice from a corrupt system one must step outside the system to get justice. Eric Frein's biggest sin was being sloppy.

  3. AndyN8:54 PM

    Police abuse happens, it shouldn't, and when it does the cops should be prosecuted just like any other thugs would be. That said, Leone could have benefited from having seen Chris Rock's "How Not To Get Your Ass Kicked By The Police."

    Even by this absurdly one-sided account, the guy was driving impaired, left the scene of an accident, failed to pull over for emergency vehicles ("everybody knows, if the police have to come and get you, they're bringing an ass kicking with them") and on at least one occasion attempted to escape while in custody. There are way to many indisputably innocent victims of police abuse out there for me to waste any sympathy on a guy who sounds like he probably needed to be smacked around by somebody.

  4. Anonymous9:34 PM

    "the guy was driving impaired, left the scene of an accident, failed to pull over for emergency vehicles ("everybody knows, if the police have to come and get you, they're bringing an ass kicking with them") and on at least one occasion attempted to escape while in custody"

    Wow, you're right AndyN, the cops should have just executed his sorry ass on the spot!

  5. I am an attorney, though I have never played one on TV or stayed at a Holiday Inn, Express or Local.
    No matter how badly behaved the schlock hack the other party has hired to represent him acts, I have an obligation to act in a proper and ethical manner before the court. "He did it, too!" was not a legitimate argument in Kindergarten, and it certainly not acceptable for adults, let alone ones who carry the power of life and death in their daily work.
