Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Why do I despise so many Democrats?

Because they think this crap is just fine, long as they're saying it.
"We need to send Uncle Tom -- Tillis, that is -- home," she told the crowd to cheers and applause.

When it was Hillary Clinton's turn to speak, she had the highest praise for Adams, who just moments earlier used the questionable phrase about Hagan's Republican opponent.

A: When the 'Justice' Department makes a statement like this:
A Justice Department spokesman said in an earlier statement that "to our knowledge" the department "has never 'compromised' Ms. Attkisson's computers" or tried to obtain information from any of her devices.
they're completely full of shit.  That's not a denial, that's a "Well, I don't know anything about it!" pretend-denial.

B: Especially with all this thrown in:
...Just when you think Attkisson’s imagination might be running away with her comes wave after wave of evidence that both her CBS computer and personal iMac were repeatedly hacked and its files accessed, including one on Benghazi. A consultant hired by CBS reached the same conclusion. Further scrutiny of her personal desktop proves that “the interlopers were able to co-opt my iMac and operate it remotely, as if they were sitting in front of it.” And an inspection revealed that an extra fiber-optics line had been installed in Attkisson’s home without her knowledge.
In the fall of 2013, with White House officials accusing Attkisson of being biased in her Benghazi reporting, the files in her MacBook Air suddenly began deleting at hyperspeed right before her eyes. She videotaped the process and showed it to two computer experts. "They're [blanking] with you," one says. "They're trying to send you a message," says the other. The experts also found evidence that the intruders had tried to cover their tracks by erasing 23 hours of log-in information.
And where's most of the media?  If this had happened under Bush, they'd be screaming their heads off.

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