Wednesday, October 01, 2014

So, it's like the British and Canadian NHS we were told are so wonderful... Updated

A Department of Health and Human services report on the ACA’s Medicaid expansion finds that many Americans newly insured through the program often have to “wait for months or travel long distances” to get care, according to the NYT.
In all three of these reports, we see under the ACA a declining level of access to a covered care provider. This is not what progress in health reform looks like.
Ah, you're wrong; under Obamacare, yes, this IS what reform looks like.
Update: from a gentleman in Canada,
Who told you that Canadian health care was wonderful? Whoever they are they lied to you. I have been waiting 18months to see an orthopaedic surgeon about my shoulder. My GP tells me that I'm lucky it will only be 19 months, most of her patients wait 3 years to see an orthopaedic surgeon.

As a matter of fact the discussion up here is how to move back to a two-tier system to allow for private health insurance and private health care for those who wish to pay for it. Well to do Canadians have been practicing 'health tourism' for years. They fly out of the country and pay for surgery out of their pocket rather than wait. I believe the Mayoh Clinic offers health insurance policies for foreigners

The fallback of Stalin and Mussolini wannabes in Central & South America: if all else fails, blame the Yankees.

And in the place where Great Britain used to be,
Theresa May, the current UK Home Secretary, has announced that, if re-elected, her party (the Conservatives) will push for "extremist disruption orders" which would effectively ban people declared "extremist" (using a very broad definition) from using social media or appearing on TV.
Under the Tories' new proposals, groups that cannot currently be proscribed could be subject to banning orders should ministers "reasonably believe" that they intend to incite religious or racial hatred, to threaten democracy or if there is a pressing need to protect the public from harm, either from a risk of violence, public disorder, harassment or other criminal acts.
I wouldn't trust ANY politician with this kind of power.  Come ON, how many "I will now screw this group that displeased me" possibilities can you see in this shit?


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Who told you that Canadian health care was wonderful? Whoever they are they lied to you. I have been waiting 18months to see an orthopaedic surgeon about my shoulder. My GP tells me that I'm lucky it will only be 19 months, most of her patients wait 3 years to see an orthopaedic surgeon.

    As a matter of fact the discussion up here is how to move back to a two-tier system to allow for private health insurance and private health care for those who wish to pay for it. Well to do Canadians have been practicing 'health tourism' for years. They fly out of the country and pay for surgery out of their pocket rather than wait. I believe the Mayoh Clinic offers health insurance policies for foreigners.


  2. During the 1980s the Tory government under Thatcher attempted to ban the press from covering speeches by members of the IRA and Sin Fein. The media carefully stayed true to the letter of the law by removing the sound recordings from the videos and replacing them with voice overs by Irish actors reading the text of the speech - govt. FAIL
    I expect much the same this time around.

  3. But, but The Obama and all his minions have assured us that it's WONDERFUL!

    I now need a drink to wash the taste of saying that out of my mouth.

  4. Anonymous8:25 PM

    "...if all else fails, blame the Yankees."

    This actually had me laughing. If nothing else, the leftist drive to turn this country to rubble will make the idea of the US being at the heart of every tinpot dictator's ruin laughable even to his cronies.

    "This guy could f*ck up a cup of coffee".


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