Saturday, October 25, 2014

'Higher Education'...

One of my first papers in college was about Gertrude Stein’s "Three Lives." I happened not to enjoy the book, and so focused my paper on its failings. When I received the paper back, I was completely horrified to discover that I’d gotten an F. The professor’s comments filled the margins—things like "you write like a conservative," comparisons to Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, and the (still absurd) statement that "an intellectual reads with sympathy for the protagonist."
After discussion had ended, one professor continued to rail at the hurtfulness of the photo until one of the fraternity members actually showed it to him. He was visibly surprised by its banal lack of sexiness, but quickly recovered to tell us that “any woman” would find the image offensive. I told him that I (the only woman present at this point) had seen the image previously and was not offended. Surprised again, he proceeded to chastise me for being ignorant of the “history of womanhood” and “cut off from my femininity.”
And people go into horrendous debt for this crap.

Dana Loesch has words for Media Matters; they won't like them.

"But you need a FACTORY to make guns!"  Except when you don't.


  1. Marja9:18 AM

    Since I like apocalypse and post-apocalypse type of stories, and sometimes play with the idea of writing one (as far as I'm concerned zombies will never go out of style, but while there are plenty enough of zombie apocalypse is happening -stories I'd like to read more where it's not the end of the world after all and we get to the after the apocalypse and starting to rebuild -stage). So something I've been wondering about: how hard would it be to get the ammunition for guns, factory made and homemade, once the easy supplies, meaning most old stashes of factory made stuff, are gone?

  2. I've seen where people have reloaded even steel cases; not recommended, but can be done, and in an emergency...

    Bullets can be cast, and if you've got the tools you can swage jacketed bullets. I think the big ones would be primers and powder. I know primers can be re-made, but I've not dug into just what would be required to make nitrocellulose powder on your own; research is called for

  3. Marja9:40 AM

    Please do look at this, at some point. I will keep looking online, there has to be something about this somewhere, there are always some people who will try to do anything, either because they have to (lack of money, lack of legal access etc), just for kicks or just in case they might have to in the future.
