Tuesday, October 21, 2014

From one of the only real reporters out there

For more than two years, the Justice Department has ignored Congressional requests to disclose where all of the Fast and Furious weapons are turning up. Now, documents withheld from Congress, but provided to me by a source, give a predictably disturbing picture of the violent landscape in which the weapons are being used.

Uriel Patino is a chief firearms trafficking suspect whom ATF secretly advised U.S. gun shops to sell weapons to. According to trace documents, guns that Patino trafficked are associated with 128 firearms traces to date, including 15 cases in 2014. A trace indicates a firearm likely turned up at a crime scene.
“These weapons that have been recovered recently in 2014 haven’t even been reported to Congress,” says an official source familiar with the ongoing investigation into the government’s conduct. “It’s a life and death situation. People are using these weapons at shootouts, gang-related activity and cartel activity.”
Which is exactly what Holder & Co. wanted; they just didn't want their fingerprints to be found on it.

Wonder just how many bodies- so far and to come- are piled up at Holders' feet, his and Obamas'?

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