Saturday, September 06, 2014

The IRS is once again pissing in our boots

and telling us it's raining.
The IRS says it has lost emails from five more workers who are part of congressional investigations into the treatment of conservative groups that applied for tax exempt status.
"Oh no, this is all very innocent!  Just pure coincidence!"
Insty suggests we just start taking heads.  At this point it sounds like a good idea.

Threat to Fort Bliss?  Not enough to actually do anything yet.  Officially, anyway.
But senior military officials contacted by JW this week reveal that military installations in the U.S. only make changes to security measures when there are clear and present threats. “It’s a significant issue when this is done,” says retired Army Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, former commander of the Army’s elite Delta Force who also served four years as Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. “That means they’re getting a threat stream. Ft. Bliss had to have a clear and present threat.”
If the commander isn't at least quietly doing 'just in case' stuff, he should be relieved of command.

More wonders from the Brit NHS that we're supposed to copy:
Death rates in NHS hospitals are among the highest in the western world, shock figures revealed yesterday.

British patients were found to be almost 50 per cent more likely to die from poor care than those in America.

They have five times the chance of dying from pneumonia and twice the chance of being killed by blood poisoning.

Based on past history, the Cubans have lots of academics to draw from:
Cuba’s communist-led intelligence services are aggressively recruiting leftist American academics and university professors as spies and influence agents, according to an internal FBI report published this week.
Cuban intelligence services “have perfected the work of placing agents, that includes aggressively targeting U.S. universities under the assumption that a percentage of students will eventually move on to positions within the U.S. government that can provide access to information of use to the [Cuban intelligence service],” the five-page unclassified FBI report says. It notes that the Cubans “devote a significant amount of resources to targeting and exploiting U.S. academia.”
“Academia has been and remains a key target of foreign intelligence services, including the [Cuban intelligence service],” the report concludes.
Academia just flat loves terrorists like Bill Ayers, so this isn't exactly a surprise, is it?

And last for this morning,
Why Sally can’t get a good job with her college degree.  Which all boils down to 'She just needs a DIFFERENT degree.'  But it includes this:
On the one hand, a college degree provides a needed credential to get a job, even if that job doesn’t require a college degree.
Bullshit.  Lots of jobs going begging out there that don't require a degree.  They DO require getting dirty and sweaty, though, conditions which are considered beneath the dignity of Womyn or something.*  And not one mention of any of those.  At least does note
But, on the other hand, if a woman wishes to move up on the pay scale, she may have to consider dropping her liberal arts degree in favor of a more technically-oriented degree, like engineering or physics. Barring these changes, women may find that they are very well-educated, but not necessarily very well compensated.
Yeah, not much demand for "I have degrees in Womyns' Studies!" people
who blame Wall Street for their own dumbassery.  Not to mention not being as 'well-educated' as they think.

*Yeah, I know, but women are supposed to be smarter than men, right?  So they ought to be moving into those jobs Mike Rowe keeps pushing for people to go into ahead of the dumb men.

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