Monday, September 01, 2014

Back when the left was pushing Cindy Sheehan

(not off a cliff, unfortunately), someone- I think Maureen Dowd- announced that as the parent of a soldier killed in battle she had 'absolute moral authority'; wonder if she'll hold to that with the Vaughns?
Billy and Karen Vaughn also lost their only-son Aaron Carson Vaughn in 2011, when the SEAL Team Six soldier's Chinook helicopter was shown down over Afghanistan.

Now the couple are calling on President Barack Obama to step down, citing his reaction to the Foley video and 'lack of leadership' in confronting ISIS.
Yeah, I know, not a chance.  The threw Sheehan under the bus when she became an annoyance to President Lightbringer, they won't even wave to the Vaughns as they go by.

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