Sunday, August 17, 2014

Add this to the other evidence indicating the land-bridge theory

doesn't cut it.
A 22,000-year-old mastodon skull and tool dredged from the seafloor in the Chesapeake Bay hints of early settlers in North America.

From what I've read over the last few years, especially due to finds in Central & South America, the land bridge theory has been in trouble for a while, both on the 'how & where' and the timing.  Add in the political fallout of showing early American arrivals from places other than the generally-accepted, and it'll be a while before this can be settled.

1 comment:

  1. I've always thought the land bridge theory didn't really allow enough time for wandering tribes to seek out new hunting grounds farther and farther southwest. Remember, they had no maps, according to the theory they were perhaps responding to population pressure from Yakutsk and Irkutsk, but they didn't have this schedule thing going on of "I gotta get to Ft. Lauderdale before the Grandkids are set out on an ice floe because they're over age."
    To make the land bridge theory work in the apparent time frame required a level of geographic knowledge comparable to attributing sentience to evolving genes and chromosomes.
