Thursday, June 12, 2014

The result of planning your energy needs on bird cuisinarts

and unicorn farts:
Great Britain is in the midst of an energy crisis. The country’s climate agenda has curtailed electricity production and now there may not be enough power to continually keep the lights on in the UK.

Britain’s energy crisis is getting so bad that the country faces “Second World War-style” rationing in order to keep the lights on throughout the country, according to the Register.

The government is launching major energy reforms to lower power demand and reopen power plants previously shut down to comply with European Union environmental rules. One such reform is that the government will pay factories to “voluntarily” shut down during peak hours when wind energy can’t produce enough power.
'Voluntarily', right.  As in "Volunteer to shut down during these hours, or else."  That'll work WONDERFULLY!

Also, they're going to pay businesses to shut down?  Where's that money coming from?  Where else: increased taxes.  That'll really help the economy.

Oh, dear Lord, from one of the linked articles:
Steve Holliday, chief executive of National Grid, said this would include businesses such as factories, which use a lot of energy, reducing their electricity usage on days when there is low wind and receiving payments in return.

Mr Holliday said that it would be very expensive to solve the problem by building extra back-up power stations that would only run infrequently, and it would be cheaper for consumers to instead fund measures to cut demand.
Got that?  "Rather than stop building windmills, we want people to get used to not having enough power to run things all the time." 

And this is what the enviroweenies want to happen here, too.


  1. Frikkin' communist Luddites

  2. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Remember, these people don't WANT a better energy source. These people don't LIKE high living standards.

    "If you ask me, it’d be a little short of disastrous for us to discover a source of clean, cheap, abundant energy because of what we would do with it. We ought to be looking for energy sources that are adequate for our needs, but that won’t give us the excesses of concentrated energy with which we could do mischief to the earth or to each other."
    —Amory Lovins in The Mother Earth–Plowboy Interview, Nov/Dec 1977, p.22

  3. True. Can't remember who among the clowns once said that 'giving humans a source of abundant energy would be like giving a monkey a machine gun'. They really would rather most of us live like it's the tenth century.

  4. True. Can't remember who among the clowns once said that 'giving humans a source of abundant energy would be like giving a monkey a machine gun'. They really would rather most of us live like it's the tenth century.
