Tuesday, June 17, 2014

'New and Improved' Remington ammo test

Couple of days ago had to go by Wally World*, and just out of curiosity went by the ammo case, and Lo!  There were .22s there!  The 225-packs of Remington Golden Bullet, but still the first .22 I've seen in the wild in quite a while.  With 'New and Improved' on the side.

Well, they're far better than nothing, so got two boxes, and today tried them out best way I could think of, with the 15-22.

Reason?  I've mentioned it before, that sucker has eaten every brand/type of .22LR I've fed it except the Remington GB.  As in somewhere between 1/4 and 1/3 of the damn things wouldn't fit all the way into the chamber.  And that's from a couple of different boxes bought at different times.

So today I put fifty rounds through.  No misfires(a miracle there for Remington bulk-pack), no failures to feed, just bang-bang-bang.

Maybe Remington finally pulled their head out and started doing these right.

*As a guy I know puts it "Sometimes you gotta go to Wal-Mart."


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Dare we ask how many $$$ you had to fork over for them?

  2. They need a new and improved customer service dept. I emailed them about a defect 6 days ago and haven't gotten a reply yet. As soon as I have some free time they're going to get an ear full!

  3. One of the good things about Wally World, standard price: about $12/box

  4. emdfl6:17 PM

    Doesn't work down here. Same bunch of people line up at the local wallystore early every Thursday morning and buy the three box limit until it's all gone; then off to the next gun-show to mark it up tp $50-70/box.

  5. Bunch of the same assholes here, too; like I said, this is the first I've found on the shelves in months
