Tuesday, June 24, 2014

More results from the Smart Diplomacy of Obama

A trusted law enforcement source is reporting that shots are currently being fired on the Mexican side of the U.S. border. The shots are intended to harass the increased presence of Texas law enforcement personnel.

Add that to the disease threat:
“It’s like a crapshoot,” Spratte says. “You may or may not be letting something in with a disease we haven’t had in the U.S. before.” He says he knows of an active case of tuberculosis that passed through the facility, along with people who had scabies and others who had measles. There was even one case of leprosy, he says. “I don’t think the people in the interior U.S. realize it’s a different world,” Spratte says. “This is the U.S., but it’s a different part of the U.S. This is almost like a different country.”
And in conditions like these, the stuff will spread:
He says the living conditions of the people at the McAllen station make him nauseous. The people detained at the center — unaccompanied children, adults and families — are placed in the sally port, an outside garage with chain gates on either side that allow air to flow through the facility. Spratte says the sally port at the McAllen Border Patrol Station may hold up to four buses or multiple vans. The vehicles pull up to the gates to unload people who are then taken inside for processing. “I can smell it before ten, 15 feet away,” Spratte says. “You walk around in there, it smells like funk.”   He says the problem will only get worse, as “pretty soon all of Central America is going to be in the U.S.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Soo-prise! They're just carrying the uneradicated Third World diseases that Americans won't, from multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, typhus, and cholera to Chagas' Disease, the breakbone fever and new strains of hepatitis and amoebic dysentery discovered daily. Oh, and also the insecticide-resistant lice and bedbugs riding along in their clothing to serve as disease vectors.
