Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Meanwhile, in Californicated, 'due process' means "Give us what we want"

and what they want is your guns and you either imprisoned or dead.
Under the proposed law, California gun owners could face a loss of their Second Amendment gun rights and confiscation of their firearms without prior warning. The proposed law allows the government up to two weeks following the issuance of a restraining order to set a hearing in which the subject of the order could argue for the reinstatement of their Second Amendment rights and return of any firearms seized.
“The subject of a restraining order and confiscation warrant may not even know they have been accused until there’s a SWAT team at their door.”

According to the bill’s text, courts would be required to issue a restraining order if a person–who doesn’t even have to know the target of the order–submits a form saying that a gun owner “poses a significant risk of personal injury to himself, herself, or others by owning or possessing” guns.
My, such fascist wet dreams these people have.  The two bastards introducing this being Democratic California Assembly Members Nancy Skinner (Berkeley) and Das Williams (Santa Barbara).

But wait!  It gets even better!
But the restraining orders aren’t the only problem with the bill, according to CAL-FFL. Assembly Bill 1014 would also mandate that courts order a “firearms seizure warrant” following a restraining order, forcing police and local law enforcement to “seize any firearms in the possession of the named person…from any place, or from any person in whose possession the firearm may be.”
CAL-FFL warned that the broad language of the seizure warrant could lead not only to midnight “no-knock” raids against the subject of the restraining order–who may not even know that their gun rights have been stripped away and that they are now a “prohibited person”–but also the homes of their friends and family, and even places of employment.
Just think of assholes with badges like the ones who shot up two trucks full of innocent people making SWAT raids to seize firearms.  And using ANY excuse during the raid to kill people("Hey, we knew they were armed so we couldn't take chances!  Sorry about the kids.")

1 comment:

  1. "courts would be required to issue a restraining order if a person–who doesn’t even have to know the target of the order–submits a form saying that a gun owner “poses a significant risk of personal injury to himself, herself, or others by owning or possessing” guns."

    So, this bill legalizes "Swatting?"
    Or, to make it more clear, Swatting is no longer a crime.
    Or, the Law is immune from the consequences of a "Swatting" gone violent, whether through defensive moves or a SWAT team with over active imaginations.
