Thursday, June 05, 2014

Get rid of immunity for prosecutors; make them PERSONALLY liable

for damages when they do crap like this.  And if it can be proven they KNEW they were withholding evidence from the defense, PROSECUTE THE BASTARDS like you would any other criminal.

Yeah, the "Who needs to buy more than one gun per month?" crap is just the start.

Why the 'rape culture' bullshit is seen as bullshit, a fine example:
...After being counseled by Occidental employees, Doe’s accuser filed sexual assault complaints with Occidental as well as the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) on September 16. Notable among those employees was Professor Danielle Dirks, who, according to the accuser, said that Doe “fit the profile of other rapists on campus in that he had a high GPA in high school, was his class valedictorian, was on [a sports] team, and was ‘from a good family.’”
Gee, I wonder how many students fit that 'profile'?  And if they realize they've got a great big bullseye on their back?

Yes, the laundry did get done, thanks for asking.  I shall now start moving more stuff back upstairs, which will take a while because I'll wind up sorting books as this moves along.


  1. Good luck with the books. That's always the slowest thing I do, because if I start to sort them I almost always also start reading at least one of them. :)

  2. That's what I fear. I've got to mow, and then it begins...

  3. That's what I fear. I've got to mow, and then it begins...
