Saturday, June 21, 2014

Even for all the rape-culture bullcrap,

this is just amazing:
This is...
words fail me


  1. All of those personality disorders listed in the American Psychiatric Associations latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical manual, allong with the average rate of occurance of two and a half disorders per American per year...

    After seeing exhibit A,

    Mz Screwed-up-to-feck here,

    Perhaps they weren't bullshitting after all?

  2. Gives a whole new meaning to the term "dumb broad".

  3. She believes in telekinesis? Or maybe she believes the 80's ghost story horror film 'The Entity' was based on fact... okay, next we'll probably see somebody holding up a card which claims that men can rape even after they are dead. Hey, that would go with gun control advocacy: no point killing the offender, he'll just become a raping ghost. :D

  4. markm5:10 AM

    Marla, no, she's claiming that talking nasty = rape. You'd almost think that these "rape culture" nuts wanted rape reduced from one of the most serious felonies to somewhere between a misdemeanor and impoliteness.

    Firehand, what's your source for this?

  5. Just one of those things ran across

  6. Just one of those things ran across

  7. Marja4:44 PM

    Heh. My father owned a garage when I was a child and a teen, during the late 60's and 70's. Considering some of his clients and their pals and the way they talked - among themselves, mostly, but when I was in my late teens occasionally at me when neither of my parents happened to be around - seems I have been violated lots of times back then. Oh woe me.

    When did women turn into such wimps?

  8. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

    Not so much as impoliteness; Rape means an offense against women, which includes a cross look, but which does not include anything William Jefferson Clinton ever did, because his heart and his votes were in the right place.
