Friday, May 23, 2014

Well, if it's such a threat to the progressive movement,

I need to buy a new firearm.

And more ammo.
No, what makes Beauchamp's desperate plea interesting is that he describes the idea that a resolute, vigilant, and armed public is the last bulwark against tyranny as "profoundly corrosive of democratic politics," with the quoted text as a hyperlink to an older article of his, this one in the American Conservative (a perhaps surprising place for his writings), in which he argues that the very idea of the need for an armed citizenry as defense against tyranny is destructive to our "democracy" (just don't even get me started on that).

Well, that's familiar. In a book co-written by Coalition to Stop Gun Violence executive director Josh Horwitz, readers are told that "the Insurrectionist idea" (Horwitz's term for the notion that the purpose of the Second Amendment is the protection of the people's means to resist and defeat tyranny) is "a threat to the entire progressive movement."

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