Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Why we should get rid of the EPA, Reason #5:

Corrupt bastards.
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy personally intervened to delay an inspector general’s investigation into the agency’s homeland security division, records show.

Ms. McCarthy called for the inspector general to “temporarily halt” its probe into the office last fall days after an investigator reported threatening behavior from an official inside the homeland security office, documents show.
'Threatening behavior'?  Whatever might that be?
The official, identified in documents reviewed by The Times as senior EPA analyst Steve Williams, “was in the agent’s face and began pointing within inches of her face and chest forcing the complainant to move back,” according to the affidavit.

The Federal Protective Service, which oversees federal buildings, investigated the incident and sent findings supporting a misdemeanor assault charge to the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington.
Why yes, of COURSE your response to a senior guy threatening a IG agent is to ask the IG to stop investigating!  Whatever else might one do?

Also, the EPA created its own 'Homeland Security' office?    Do they have ninja suits and automatic weapons?

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