Monday, April 21, 2014

Bureau of Land Management snipers...

As I wrote only last week, if someone wants to stroll in to Fort Hood and shoot as many people as he's minded to, the fellows on the receiving end have to call 911 and wait for the county sheriff to send a couple of deputies - because "the only government department without a military force at its disposal is the military". But the Bureau of Land Management has snipers.
The oathbreaking sonsabitches have a total disregard for that Constitution they swore to uphold, too.
The "First Amendment Area" is supposed to be something called "the United States". If the Bureau of Land Management gets to determine which sliver of turf you can exercise your right to freedom of expression in, then it isn't freedom of expression at all, is it? I'm less impressed by the First Amendment than I used to be, mainly because I'm having to spend a half-decade in court and a seven-figure sum for the privilege of hearing some judge years down the line inform me that my 270-word blog post is, in fact, permitted under the US constitution. (If you'd like to help lessen the toll of that seven-figure sum, I'd be awfully grateful.) But even so it's extraordinary that even twerp bureaucrats from the Department of Compliance feel comfortable setting up an "orange plastic pen" labeled "First Amendment Area". If an anonymous pen-pusher in the permanent bureaucracy can confine the Bill of Rights to tiny enclaves where it will be entirely ineffectual, then there is no Bill of Rights.

Because lying is what Moms Want Some Action and MAIG do best.  And worst. 
And please take note of this part of what they're not telling people:
The buyer was Mark Manes, a 22-year-old computer technician whose mother is a member of Handgun Control Inc. Manes did not own his new assault weapon (TEC-DC9) for long. Phillip Duran, a friend who worked at a Blackjack Pizza parlor in Jefferson County, told him “two guys” at the pizza place were looking for a TEC-9. On Jan. 23, at another Tanner Gun Show, Duran introduced Manes to the two guys. They were both 17, too young to buy a handgun legally. But Manes offered to sell it for $500, and they agreed.
That night, Manes sold the gun at the house where he lived with his parents, on a suburban street not far from Columbine High.
The buyers were Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris

Why my daughter or son would've gone to one of the big Spring Break places over my dead body.

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