Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The story of the murder in Duncan gets more involved

As in 'gang involvement', from the looks of it.
From one of the links:
Edwards, the youngest of the accused at 15, treated Tuesday’s court hearing as a joke.
James Edwards, 15, was treating the murder as a joke, District Attorney Jason Hicks told a hearing in the town of Duncan on Tuesday (Wednesday morning AEST).
Mr Hicks told the court that Edwards has previously been in contact with police, and that he had “an attitude of total disregard for law enforcement” when he was being charged over Lane’s death.
“He thinks it’s funny, and it’s all a joke,” Mr Hicks said.
He had also been in court on Friday, the day of the killing, on an unrelated charge.
Another bloody choirboy, I imagine, who's just misunderstood and loves his family.

By the way, I have a message for the former Deputy PM of Tim Fischer Australia: bugger off, you slimy little opportunist.  The bad guys have been caught; not a legally-owned gun among them, AND gang involvement, yet you start pimping your gun ban preferences using the blood of the dead?
Go screw yourself with a mummified kangaroo dong.

Added: from Chicago, which has the kind of gun laws Fischer approves of:
Five people were shot Monday evening in the Uptown neighborhood along a Safe Passage route outside a church that was holding a prayer service at the time, officials said.
Four shootings in the city since then have also left at least six people injured.
How dare they!?  Don't they know those are all 'Gun Free Zones'? The nerve of them.

1 comment:

  1. "Tim Fischer Australia:
    Go screw yourself with an EXPLOSIVE mummified kangaroo dong."

