Monday, July 01, 2013

"This does not mean

what you thought it would."
...Clearly, once the CDC produced the hard evidence that the US was a violent nation of wild-west shootouts, the American people would be eager to approve and fund future research while embracing strict gun control legislation.

At least that was the plan. The study, which was compiled by the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council under the CDC’s direction, was recently completed and released. The anti-gun crowd has been awfully quiet about it. Could it be that it didn’t support their bogus hypothesis?

In a word, Yes. The CDC’s numbers basically back every pro-gun rights argument made over the course of the last year.

Would anybody be at all surprised if this is true?
Senators are questioning whether the National Security Agency collected bulk data on more than just Americans’ phone records, such as firearm and book purchases.

A bipartisan group of 26 senators, led by Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) asked Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to detail the scope and limits of the National Security Agency’s surveillance activities in a letter released Friday.
The NSA’s surveillance program has come under intense scrutiny following a leak revealing the agency harvested the phone metadata of millions of American citizens.
The senators noted that the federal government’s authority under Section 215 of the PATRIOT Act is broad and rife with potential for abuse. Among the senators’ concerns was whether the NSA’s bulk data harvesting program could be used to construct a gun registry or violate other privacy laws.

Speaking of,
The United States taps half a billion phone calls, emails and text messages in Germany in a typical month and has classed its biggest European ally as a target similar to China, according to secret U.S. documents quoted by a German newsmagazine.

Lots of Canadians are seriously torqued at the RCMP.  Rightly so.  And the longer people are kept out of their property, and the more the RCMP changes and tweaks their excuses, the worse it will get.

1 comment:

  1. Keith1:16 AM

    I'm suprised by the content of the CDC report.

    I aggree with its contents

    I just didn't think there was anyone left who had the guts to trash their own career by writing truth to power.
