Friday, July 05, 2013

Boy, talk about entering the wayback machine...

1975, to be precise.

The Dept. of Public Safety had started the Cadet Lawman program; one high-school junior from each county got to attend a week-long version of the OHP cadet academy; classroom, driving, shooting, pt, the works.

This is your fearless correspondent on the range.
I cannot remember the name of the gentleman on the right, he was with one of the organizations that sponsored the academy.  And that target tied me for best shooting of the day with handgun.

Yes, it's a bit spread out; I'd had a lot less practice then.  Also, part of the course was straight point-shooting, aligning sights not allowed.  The highlight of that being
Start ten yards from the target.
At the whistle, start walking.
At the second whistle draw and fire six, reload, fire six more.
That, let me specify, was with S&W revolvers and loading from belt loops.

With one exception, it was a fun week.  That exception was the food; it sucked.  To the point that, on a couple of nights, a number of hungry teenagers had some milk for dinner, because the food was so bloody awful.  I remember hearing afterward that Words Were Had with the clowns running the cafeteria, and our last lunch on the final day was steak and baked potatoes(I had three of each; I actually lost six pounds that week).

Ah, the days when my knees actually worked and my biggest concerns included 'Girls: what to do about'.

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