Friday, June 14, 2013

'Worse than Nixon' just begins to cover it

...When Nixon tried to sic the IRS on a few powerful political enemies, the IRS told him to take a hike. When Obama’s courtiers tried to sic the IRS on thousands of ordinary American citizens, the agency went along, and very enthusiastically. This is a scale of depravity hitherto unknown to the tax authorities of the United States, and for that reason alone they should be disarmed and disbanded — and rebuilt from scratch with far more circumscribed powers.
Holder had another great contribution to the epitaph of the Republic this week. He went on TV to explain that he didn’t really regard Fox News’s James Rosen as a “co-conspirator” but had to pretend he did to the judge in order to get the judge to cough up the warrant. So rest easy, America! Your chief law officer was telling the truth when he said he hadn’t lied to Congress because in fact he’d been lying when he said he told the truth to the judge.

If you lie to one of Holder’s minions, you go to jail: They tossed Martha Stewart in the slammer for being insufficiently truthful to a low-level employee of the attorney general’s. But the attorney general can apparently lie willy-nilly to judges and/or Congress.
And most of Congress seems to be either too in-the-tank or too cowardly to do anything about it.


  1. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I remember Tricky dicky's exit, but I'm too young to have read the mainstream coverage as the story emerged.

    I'm guessing that the lamestream sank its teeth in, rather than rolled over and pissed on its own belly?

  2. I was a teenager, but I do remember the media storm: he was the worst thing since Hitler(possibly worse), evil incarnate, etc.


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