Monday, June 17, 2013

Short version of Ms. article: "Eeek, it's scary!"

Slightly longer version: "I didn't have to have .gov-approved training to buy it!  This is BAAAAAD!!!"
If you want to read it, it's here.  Though it, and some of the comments, are enough to suck the brain cells out of your skull.


  1. There are a few folk suggesting the author, Heidi Yewman, actually get the training she needs, but they're being fended off by Commonsensers pointing out that the whole point of the article is to show how easy it is to buy a gun.

    Of course, that point was made the instant Heidi walked out of the shop door with her shiny new remote hole punch.

    No understanding that she's apparently planning to remain ignorant and fearful for the whole month she plans to carry in public, being a hazard to herself and everyone around her.

    My favorite comment so far:

    [[Such a false sense security. Exactly how would a person carrying a weapon keep some one else from taking the gun from them.?]]

    By, uh, you know, threatening the assailant with your weapon, or actually shooting him?

    I've said as much in an answering comment, but it's currently "awaiting moderation".

    Reasoned Debate may be in progress there.

  2. My comment still not published over 6 hours after writing it:

    Mark says:
    June 17, 2013 at 2:29 pm

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Ms. Yewman,

    I am going to be impolite, so I ask your forgiveness beforehand.

    You are an Idiot.

    You do not purchase an implement that has the ability to cause severe bodily harm or death without getting at least minimal training. To do so is stupid, selfish and highly irresponsible. Can you just buy a firearm and carry it on your hip in an open carry state? Yes. Should you? No. If you don’t know what you are doing do not do it. your first writing on this is a bright example of that reasoning.

    You don’t know a thing about firearms and yet you are willing to go out and about carrying one on your person. For that you are both an idiot and a fool.

    And I hope you are aware that you can be held both civilly and criminally liable if you have a AD/ND or someone manages to take your firearm away from you and uses it in a criminal act. You are liable in addition to them.

    Please if you are going to carry a firearm, get proper training. And please get a better holster that emphasizes proper weapons retention if you intend on carrying.

  3. I think they cut off comments real early; probably too many people presenting- some very politely- the same point.

    But those comments don't push the Approved View, so...

  4. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Indeed. My comment was stuck in "awaiting moderation" for a whil3e, but now appears to have been black-holed. I suppose it's only considered "reasoned discourse" when the discourse in question agrees with the preconceived notions of the enlightened...
