Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Short time ago was told that a lot of the stuff I link to is depressing;

it damn sure is.

Smiley took up the issue Boulder police Sgt. Michael Everett, who in an email response to her inquiry, explained that entering unsecured residences is standard operating procedure for most law enforcement agencies, including, Boulder police, and one that is not likely to stop. 

"There are many reasons for checking residences that are left open," Everett wrote in his response. "They include in-progress crimes and injured parties inside. There are situations which create a duty for officers to enter and check residences. Failure to do so creates liability for that officer and agency."

Because that 4th Amendment is just such a pain to have to abide by, so they don't.

And from wants-to-be-President Napolitano,
Domestic spying capabilities used by the National Security Agency to collect massive amounts of data on American citizens could soon be available to the Department of Homeland Security — a bureaucracy with the power to arrest citizens that is not subject to limitations imposed on the NSA.

And the Supremes decide- ah hell, just read it.
"Of COURSE you don't have to say anything!  BUT if you don't say things in the precisely right way, that counts against you."

In personal news, they make a mold for building your own walk or patio: level the space, put the mold down, mix one 80lb. bag of concrete and fit it in, smooth, then lift the mold and do the next section.
Five bags equals eleven feet.  And being so damn tired I don't want to move.  Supposed to be a good chance of rain tomorrow so I'd figured on getting more bags after that; as is, I doubt I'd be able to do much tomorrow anyway.

To do the whole stretch I want to, it'll take about another seven or eight bags.  Good thing this can be continued as conditions allow.
Oh, and I found that it took less than one bag to fill the mold each time.

It seems the lady has upset some people on Youtube

And she doesn't care.

One last thing: this is what happens when you put a upside-down tomato cage around the squash
Up, instead of out.  Makes it easier to get to the squash.


  1. markm8:11 PM

    And the comments to the Boulder article are even more depressing. It's not just their casualness about violating the 4th - it's also how many of them truly believe that a locked door will keep out the bad guys. Heck, I could open my own door faster with a crowbar than with my keys, except I don't want to have to repair the damage. Burglars don't care about that *at best* - and at worst, they get a thrill out of trashing your house.

  2. I"ve got 4 of those moulds, they work rather well. I've also got the little concrete mixer can/bucket put in the bag of concrete lids has measurement lines on it for the proper amount of water, dump it in, tighten lid flip it on it's side and roll it about 5 feet forward/five feet back - perfectly mixed concrete.

  3. If I had much longer a stretch to do, I'd get one of those; save a lot of hoe/shovel work.

  4. There is absolutely no chance of liability if they don't go in, because the SCOTUS has been explicit in that the police have no duty to protect you from future crimes, or to even find crimes to investigate -- their only duty is to investigate reported crimes.

    An unlocked door is not a report.

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I used a little less concrete and laid gravel in the top half inch, pushing it in slightly.
    On a different stretch, I used a little less concrete and pushed in a ceramic tile. It's a ...different...look.

    On the TV show Fringe, Olivia would pick the lock, they'd pass a knowing look between them ('oh, look, it's unlocked, so we can go in') and Bob's yer uncle. I've always assumed they did that so it was no surprise.
