Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Screw Staples

They decided they didn't want nasty gun  businesses to enter their contest("But please keep spending your money with us"), and when it blew up in their face they now want to play "We'll change the rules for next time; so keep giving us your money."


“I actually think it’s probably a mistake to call for a special counsel – actually what it’s called now – because they’re appointed by Eric Holder and that’s really the fox guarding the hen house,” Cornyn, Senate minority whip, told PJ Media on Capitol Hill.

“No accountability, and just rife with conflicts of interest.”
Well, those are Holder's strong points.
And yeah, either dump the IRS completely, or cut it to a minimum and set flat 'no bullshit, break these and go to jail' rules.

Democrats: "We don't care what he's accused of, just give him the position and we'll worry about those investigations later."
Bad in any case; with someone intended to head the BATFE, that's another NO.

And just because:

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