Friday, June 28, 2013

Once upon a time English common law was a treasure;

our laws were based on it, because It Was Good.  And now the Brits can't flush that treasure fast enough...
The irony of the situation is rich. Geller and Spencer speak out against the intolerance of Islam. Got that? They speak. They lecture. They write books. Spencer’s written a shelf of them. Geller was behind a campaign to place “defeat jihad” posters in New York subways. One of the reasons they were traveling to the UK was to participate in a commemorative ceremony for Drummer Lee Rigby. Remember him? He was the chap who, last month, was walking down a street in Woolwich when two Muslims ran him down in a car and then stabbed and hacked him to death with knives and a cleaver. Like the Earl of Strafford, their motto was “thorough.” When these partisans of the religion of peace got through with him, he had to be identified by dental records. 

Geller and Spencer are denied entry to the UK. Quoth a government spokesman: individuals whose presence “is not conducive to the public good” may be denied entry by the Home secretary. He explained: “We condemn all those whose behaviours and views run counter to our shared values and will not stand for extremism in any form.” 

That pretty much covers the waterfront, doesn’t it? Disagree with me and I’ll have you named an enemy of the state.
One of the places I've often wanted to visit is Scotland and England; considering some of the things I've said about what they've become, as well as Islamists, I wonder if I'd be under the same ban?
Or maybe I'm not a big enough PITA as yet.

Well, of progressive idiots see conservatives as the REAL threat, why would they have a problem with the Muslim Brotherhood?
While that may be expected, more troubling is that the U.S. ambassador to Egypt is also trying to prevent Egyptians from protesting—including the Copts. The June 18 edition of Sadi al-Balad reports that lawyer Ramses Naggar, the Coptic Church's legal counsel, said that during Patterson's June 17 meeting with Pope Tawadros, she "asked him to urge the Copts not to participate" in the demonstrations against Morsi and the Brotherhood.

The Pope politely informed her that his spiritual authority over the Copts does not extend to political matters.

The kind of idiocy that passes as 'sensible gun safety measures' to the gun bigots and hoplophobes:
That abominable insult (introduced and sponsored by Councilors Patti Bushee, Ron Trujillo and Mayor David Cross, and voted for by Bushee and Chris Calvert) would “make people take a photo of any magazines they currently own, get it notarized with date and time to show that the magazines were purchased before the ban, and then have folks carry the photos around.”


  1. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Travel restrictions and no fly lists are an interesting little adaptation of the soviet system of internal passports and the berlin wall.

    IIRC the east germans were told the wall the fences and the mine fields were to protect them

    much as you are being told that the fortifications allong the united state's land borders are for your protection - rather than to stop you from escaping the joyous workers tax plantation.

    Wendy McElroy covers some of the ground here:

    there's further info in the pasport links

    also picked up from Wendy's site - it seems that censoring news info is going on:

  2. As a lawyer and former notary public, I have to ask if this is a proper and legal use of the notarization. Would that be an acknowledgment or a jurat? Why wouldn't a mere declaration, "I owned this before it was illegal to acquire this thing" not be sufficient?
    It is too reminiscent of the hostage with rope wrapped around his shoulders and a piece of duct tape over his mouth holding this morning's paper. "Do not contact the Authorities. Await further communications."

  3. I'd hope I'm on the UK's "do not enter" list from all my posts about Phillip Luty and his homemade sub-machinegun showing the impotence of anti-gun laws, and the subsequent persecution of Luty by the govt for that embarrassment. Strange that we'd consider that a badge of honor, being blacklisted by the UK.
