Saturday, June 29, 2013

I tend to think Sergeant Preston would be ashamed

of these clowns.
High River citizens right to be suspicious as RCMP changes story over removal of guns
Gee, ya think maybe?
Gone were the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s prior references to firearms having been “seized.” Now it was all about Mounties “taking possession” of firearms.

Also absent were all the earlier allusions to the RCMP having taken guns that had been “unsafely stored.” Now it was all about finding firearms that were “in plain view” and the force had “no way of assuring [would] remain secure.”
Well, why would that kind of think make anybody suspicious...
Cpl. Turnbill reported many firearms were left scattered about where their owners dropped them as they fled the sudden rise in water levels.

This stinks pretty badly, and I'm glad people aren't taking it lying down.


  1. Anonymous3:29 PM

    "Cpl. Turnbill reported many firearms were left scattered about where their owners dropped them as they fled the sudden rise in water levels."

    I've heard 3-year-olds come up with more convincing lies after being caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Hey what happened to that $10,000 I left on the kitchen counter when I locked up my house and evacuated.
    There seems to be a bunch of RCMP fingerprints all over my house!

  3. many firearms were left scattered about where their owners dropped them as they fled the sudden rise in water levels.

    What were they doing before the owners dropped them -- having a war? Coon-fingering them as Tam calls it?
    Caressing their Leftist substitutes for fun and profit?

    I suspect there were a lot of cabinets broken into. Call me a suspicious old cuss, but that's what I think, considering the RCMP had to change its sordid story once already.

  4. Windy, I suspect you're right; and there's going to be some LOUD screaming when people do get back- excuse me, are ALLOWED back to their homes.

    "Well, you're claiming I left guns that've been in my family for generations and have great value 'scattered about', but I wouldn't have forgotten that cash?" Yeah, one of the possible wormholes this crap opened up.

  5. It'll be interesting to see how many safes were damaged in the confiscation (let's call it what it is), and how many firearms will completely disappear. I can hear it now: "We have no record of that weapon, move along citizen."

  6. Anonymous5:33 PM

    And people keep saying we should emulate Canada...?
    Are they NUTS!

