Tuesday, June 18, 2013

From the People's Republic of Maryland,

'concern for children' includes
interrogating them for hours,
scaring them into wetting their pants,
THEN calling the parents,
putting a suspension on their record
for the horrible offense of having a plastic cowboy pistol.
The Post notes that the principal — Jennifer L. Young, according to Dowell Elementary’s website — told the boy’s mother that things would have been even worse had the toy gun been loaded with caps. In that case, the school would have regarded the plaything as an explosive and called the police.
Principal Young, you should be fired for being a child abuser.  And the school board should be canned for standing behind this crap.

New Effing York is having another spasm of "Let's lie about this gun so we can ban it"; in this case, the FN 5.7 pistol.  Did you know this hotted-up .22 Magnum can penetrate body armor at 200 yards?
Yeah, I know, it can't.  And it won't penetrate anything any better than a .22 Mag unless you have the actual AP ammo, which hasn't be available to anybody but military and LE since day one, but that doesn't matter; Rep. Eliott Engel (D) has declared it's a 'cop killer' and should be banned from the peasants.  Along with wanting Obama to sign a royal edict to bring the Clinton AWB back(something else which didn't accomplish crap for protecting cops).

1 comment:

  1. "the school would have regarded the plaything as an explosive and called the police."

    I am reminded of the Abraham Lincoln story about "how many legs would a dog have if its tail were a leg?
    Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it one."
    Of course that story would have to be told to a judge.
