Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Five years President, and he still says 'Bush!'

At the least, Bush wasn't talking about giving Saddam weapons, was he?

And, from some of the people he thinks we should give arms to(and seems willing to put US troops on the line for),
Syrian rebels beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to dogs, according to a nun who says the West is ignoring atrocities committed by Islamic extremists.

The nun said taxi driver Andrei Arbashe, 38, was kidnapped after his brother was heard complaining that fighters against the ruling regime behaved like bandits.

She said his headless corpse was found by the side of the road, surrounded by hungry dogs. He had recently married and was soon to be a father.

Rubio, you can forevermore kiss my ass, you backstabbing little shit.

I do not really have the words for this betrayal.
US drops demand Taliban renounce al-Qaeda to allow talks to progress 

America will engage in its first formal direct talks with the Taliban on Thursday, after dropping its long-standing demand that the movement renounce ties with al-Qaeda in order for them to progress. 
Just hours after the agreement was announced, four American soldiers were killed by insurgents during an attack on Bagram Air Base. There were very few details of the attack, but a US official said the soldiers were killed by "indirect fire", possibly rockets or mortars.

Ah, but he's Obama!, so that stuff doesn't apply to him.

Nanny Bloomberg's latest "This is how you will live" directive.

1 comment:

  1. Because WW2 would have turned out so much better if we had just negotiated a peace with Germany in 1940.
    (Just to compare one gargantuan existential war with the current one to see if there are any lessons to be learned. I could say, ¿Dónde está El Cid cuando lo necesitas?
    Where is El Cid when you need him?)
