Friday, June 28, 2013

Excellent news from West Virginia:

The West Virginia eighth-grader arrested after refusing a teacher's demand he remove a National Rifle Association T-shirt he wore to school won't face criminal charges after all
My first thought is "School, police and prosecutor realize just exactly how effing stupid they look, and didn't like what would be said if they actually tried the kid."

Especially after this idiocy:
And on Monday, the boy was summoned back to court as prosecutors sought to have a gag order imposed on him and his family. They claimed Jared and his father talking to the press about the case was not in the boy's interest, a rationale his own attorney rejected.

"We were here because the prosecution filed a motion for a gag order," White said on Monday. "My opinion is because, seemingly, they want to take it out of the court of public opinion."
Damn right they did.

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