Sunday, June 02, 2013

'A few low-level employees in one office' my ass

Former Internal Revenue Service commissioner Douglas H. Shulman, a frequent White House guest during the period when the IRS was targeting conservative nonprofits, is married to the senior program advisor for Public Campaign, an “organization dedicated to sweeping campaign reform that aims to dramatically reduce the role of big special interest money in American politics.”
Just coincidence, right? So's this:
Public Campaign’s ninth-floor 1133 19th Street NW office in Washington, D.C. is located on the same floor as the liberal groups Common Cause and Center for Progressive Leadership.

The Internal Revenue Service has told House GOP investigators they have identified 88 IRS employees who may have documents relevant to the congressional investigation into targeting of conservative groups, according to a congressional source familiar with the investigation.
'A few', right.  And the clowns running the IRS really don't want to answer questions; kind of like they think they're immune or something:
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) declined Friday afternoon to meet a Senate Finance Committee deadline for answering detailed questions about the origins of the IRS scandal. The questions had been submitted jointly nearlytwo weeks ago by Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-UT).

In a joint statement to Breitbart News, Baucus and Hatch said:
“It’s disappointing that the IRS failed to produce any of the documents requested by the Committee.
Well, try expressing that disappointment with subpoenas.  And charges.

Something on this from Mark Steyn:
Although acting commissioner Steven Miller apologized for the “horrible customer service” conservative taxpayers had gotten, a gentleman by the name of Malik Obama received impeccable, express service when he took the precaution of mailing in his non-profit application from N’giya, Kenya, rather than notoriously slower mail processing centers such as Phoenix and Dallas. Malik, the brother of President Obama, runs the Barack H. Obama Foundation, named for the president’s father. On May 30, 2011, they applied for tax-exempt status, and had their approval signed less than a month later by Lois Lerner herself, and conveniently backdated by Lois to cover the two-and-a-half years the enterprising Malik had already been raking in “tax-deductible” donations from Americans. The Washington address of the Barack H. Obama Foundation appears to be bogus, and it’s not clear whether the funds are being used back in Kenya for anything other than supporting the famously lavish lifestyle of Malik and his twelve wives. Given that the IRS is not shy about asking American conservatives for Facebook posts and lists of who attends their meetings, Ms. Lerner surely would have been within her rights to ask Malik Obama about the “exclusive” photographs currently displayed on the Barack H. Obama Foundation website of a recent meeting in Sudan, one of only four countries the U.S. government designates as a “terrorist state,” and the Foundation’s apparently extensive association with the Sudanese president and blood-soaked genocidal war criminal Omar al-Bashir.

Under the heading that "There's really no vote fraud going on, not enough of it to worry about!",
The chief of staff to freshman Rep. Joe Garcia (D-Fla.) resigned on Friday after he was implicated in a plot to submit hundreds of fraudulent absentee ballots during the congressman’s primary election last year.
Jeffrey Garcia declined to comment to the paper, which reported that he also worked for the campaign of Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Fla.), who defeated Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) in 2012.
Rep. Garcia said he was likely to put his communications director, Giancarlo Sopo, on administrative leave after Sopo was served with a search warrant Friday.
If these bastards aren't at least charged, then there needs to be some kind of civil action taken; this garbage has to be stopped, and people going to jail and being fined is probably the only thing that'll do it.

1 comment:

  1. Lists of who attends their meetings:

    Generally it is members who attend meetings, so a list of attendees is tantamount to a list of members, which (Correct me if I'm wrong), I seem to remember was protected from Government inspection in the 1960's when it was the NAACP (and another group I'm blanking on at the moment) whose members list was demanded by the FBI.


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