Friday, June 28, 2013

A: Bloomberg & Co. blew it bigtime

Mayors Against Illegal Guns officials apologized for naming dead Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev among the victims of gun violence at the rally. But also named were other criminals killed by police, including California killer Christopher Dorner.

The chief and sheriff wrote, “Additionally, the list your group cited included several hoodlums who attempted to kill police officers. Kurt Myers, suspected of killing four people in New York, was killed after he fired at a tactical team. Anthony James Galla, who was wanted in connection with his alleged involvement in a shooting, was killed in a shootout with police in Pennsylvania. And Esteban J. Smith was killed after engaging in a shootout with authorities that left a sheriff wounded.”

The two officials wrote their letter was meant to express “extreme outrage.”

B: Did you know that, to the hoplophobes and gun bigots, that criminals shot by their victims or by the police ARE 'victims of gun violence'? And that daring to counter-protest at the Bloomberg's Illegal Mayors Blood-Dancing Tour is 'thugs and bullies, anti-semitic slurs', etc.(from the comments)? Just like the supposed racial epithets thrown at black members of Congress for which there's still no video or audio, I suppose.

In the past I had said that Testosterone makes you stupid, and Estrogen makes you crazy. No offense, it's how nature keeps us from becoming extinct. Now it's official: Testosterone gives you Unspecified Mental Degradation and Estrogen gives you unspecified everything else. The only recognized cure for any of this of course will be election or appointment to high political office.
And having your 2nd Amendments rights taken away, don't forget that.

Yeah, there's a reason I call them bird cuisinarts.

Found over at Ace, a surface-to-surface that seems built to take out small craft, like the Iranians like to play with:

Looks to me, from that one section, as if the things work like a Javelin, detonating above the target to get the strike downward.

I'm losing the desire to go on that trip to Britain someday.  Considering my opinions, the bastards are likely to arrest me for thought crimes.
Challenged with these concerns, the Met still refused to go into detail about the unit but told that its use of Socmint was necessary "to protect communities."
They can't manage to stop people murdering and mutilating British troops on busy streets, but they're hell on people who say non-PC things about the religion of the murderers.  GREAT way to protect communities, assholes.

Ref the Zimmerman trial and the racists who want him hanged at any cost:
To Samara and the new segregationists, we can’t expect universal behavioral standards like honesty, truthfulness, and courtesy.

Blame race all you want for Rachel Jeantel becoming a punch line. But remember one thing: your excuses sound like why one of the most venomous segregationists in American history defended slavery. I’m not willing to adopt Calhoun and Coleman’s “worlds apart” theory to explain away untruthfulness and rudeness on the stand.

Once upon a time, civil rights were built on the philosophical foundations of the integrationist Charles Sumner. It’s a shame too many modern “civil rights” advocates are channeling the ghost of John C. Calhoun.

1 comment:

  1. Keith1:48 PM

    If it's any consolation - I don't think I'd be particularly safe in merika - if I even managed to get past the amazingly obnoxious immigration clowns
