Thursday, May 23, 2013

Yes, I'm still here.

Yes, another round of storms came through; heavy rains, lightning, some hail, etc.  Flood warnings, including the area with people trying to salvage what they can, others trying to minimize further damage to houses still there, and cleanup crews trying to get some improvements done, on streets if nothing else.

Security Staff(Jr.) has never really liked storms, but I've never seen him as scared as he's been the last few days.

This from daughter:
(Friend) and I were talking last night and came to a conclusion: Oklahoma is the Australia of the United States. 
Let’s see: all the poisonous snakes. All the poisonous spiders. Scorpions. Alligators. Mountain lions. Bears. Fire ants. Tornados. Winds. Floods. Droughts. Wild fires. Earthquakes. Landslides. Blizzards. Ice storms. Severe storms. The most consecutive days over 100 degrees in recorded history for all of the United States. We even managed to have a hurricane once. And I’m sure I’m missing something.

About the riots in Sweden, from Marja in the land next door:
No hint in Finnish newspapers either about who the rioters are. But no need - most of the comments are about that. Even the lefty types aren't trying to deny, they are just inventing reasons why everything is the fault of the ethnic Swedes who haven't done enough to help the immigrants to get jobs and feel at home there. Poor immigrants are being suppressed or something (so no miracle they are acting out...).

At least those comments are shown. With most papers you have to be a bit careful about how you phrase things (although sometimes you also see very, shall we say, questionable comments too - I do know of some complaints how their facts only comments disappeared while the racist rant stayed), but if done so most comments seem to go through. Although more and more papers are requiring registration, and often, after that happens, you start seeing more comments which fit the preferred narrative and less opposing views. I don't much like the idea of registration, I guess most people who think like me don't. I guess most of us are a bit paranoid. Perhaps stupid, perhaps not
No, I think the proper term for that is 'realistic'.
And later
Hm. I may have been a bit hasty with the previous comment. Now there is news that one of the main suspects in the Swedish riots is a Finnish citizen. One paper I've been checking has been getting a lots of comments on that, mostly full of, well, glee over the fact. Except some which mention that the names of the suspects would be available on some Swedish sites. The first name of the Finnish citizen would be, according to those, Ahmed. The last name isn't anything like Lahtinen either. Points for family roots a bit further south.

And for some reason those comments keep getting deleted, all of them, after a very short while. Funny, that
Isn't it, though?

Nanny Bloomberg really doesn't like it when he doesn't get his way:
“I saw Bloomberg and his security there in the club, so I went over and said, ‘Tell me what is going on with the Taxi of Tomorrow?’ ” Freidman, 42, said yesterday.
“He turns to me, and said, ‘Come January 1st, when I am out of office, I am going to destroy your f–king industry.’

“I said, ‘Whoa, Mr. Mayor, calm down! Why can’t I sit down with you and figure out something that works?’ He got back in my face and said, ‘After January, I am going to destroy all you f–king guys,’ ” said Freidman, whose company operates a fleet of 925 yellow cabs.
Nasty little tyrant, isn't he?

My line keeps dropping again, every time another effing storm comes through the area.  And still busy, so don't look for more for a couple of days.  


  1. On the one hand, Bloomberg is an enormous ass (and how will he destroy anything once he's out of political power?).

    On the other hand, NYC Cabs are a monopoly gleefully promoted by the existing plate-holders in bed with the Government, so screw them, too.

    (In other words, "don't pick sides, pray for a meteor".)

  2. Australia doesn't have ANY poisonous snakes - not one.

    Venomous snakes though - hell yeah, LOTS.


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